Posted: 10/02/20235,366 Views

Air travel presents an interesting conundrum. On one hand, you might be jetting off to your dream destination. On the other, doing so involves spending many hours in the company of hundreds of strangers, each with their own priorities and ideas about what’s publicly acceptable.

While most of us do our best to behave respectfully in airports and on planes, we might not realize that seemingly innocent choices are a big annoyance to other travelers.

A recent survey by Skyscanner laid out many of the most annoying habits travelers have, according to the very people you share a plane with. Some may surprise you. For instance, 13% of respondents said they found lining up at the gate far in advance of boarding is an annoyance. A full 35% get irked when fellow passengers use devices like laptops and tablets without headphones. 22% even admitted to feeling annoyed when passengers remove their shoes on the plane.

However, the top five most annoying air travel habits are fairly universal. Make sure you don’t commit these travel faux pas.

The 5 Most Annoying Travel Habits

5. Reclining Your Seat During the Flight

Though there are arguments for both sides of this debate, a full 40% of respondents indicated that they feel annoyed when the passenger in front of them reclines their seat for any reason. If you do feel the need to recline your seat, have the courtesy to ask the person behind you if it’s alright. After all, you wouldn’t want the seat back suddenly thrust into your legs if the passenger in front of you suddenly did the same.

4. Reclining Your Seat During Food or Drink Service

This one should be even more obvious. No one wants their meal or expensive in-flight drink spilled because their tray table suddenly moved. 43% agreed that it’s an annoyance. If you absolutely must recline your seat, at least wait until in-flight service is over, and then politely ask the passenger behind you if it’s OK.

3. Cutting in Line

Air travel involves standing in a lot of lines. Whether you’re waiting to board, waiting to get through security, or waiting to use the restroom, queuing up is part of the air travel experience. 43% of survey respondents agreed that those who cut in line draw their ire. Remember that you’re no more important than any other traveler, so wait until it’s your turn. If you accidentally go ahead of someone, apologize for the mistake.

2. Letting Children Run Around the Plane

Traveling with kids is stressful. They don’t like being cooped up, and traveling on an airplane is exciting for them. Still, it’s important to keep them in their seats during the flight. A full 48% of survey respondents indicated that children running through the cabin during the flight is annoying. Not only that, it can be dangerous. A bit of unexpected turbulence could cause them to get injured, so be sure they’re in their seats with their seatbelts on unless an (escorted) trip to the lavatory is necessary.

1. Intoxicated Passengers

Nearly 50% indicated that drunk passengers are their biggest air travel annoyance. Some insist on starting the party at 35,000 feet, and everyone else has to suffer when they do. Due to the lower oxygen levels in a pressurized airplane cabin, intoxication happens more quickly, and passengers are more prone to cause a disturbance even after just a couple of drinks. Your best bet is to stick one in-flight cocktail max. After all, drinking too much could put you at risk of travel insurance alcohol exclusions.

In Conclusion

Remember that air travel can be stressful and uncomfortable for everyone, not just you. Do your best to treat others the way you would want to be treated, and buy the right travel medical insurance . You’ll reach your destination soon enough, and any minor travel annoyances will quickly fade away.

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